Americans schizophrenic when it comes to France

Americans seem to be schizophrenic when it comes to their opinion of France.

Arrogant is the best way to describe the French, according to nearly three out of every 10 Americans, but almost as many would call them open, a Le Figaro magazine poll showed on Thursday.

Some two thirds of Americans see France as a land of liberty and human rights in which people can freely practice their religion, and yet almost one third call it an anti-Semitic country.

Relations between the United States and France are expected to improve in the coming years by 36 percent of Americans and to deteriorate by 22 percent.

But the cliches associated with France tend to be more positive than negative -- ask Americans what best symbolizes France and the good things in life come to the fore, with Paris, wine, and gastronomy topping the list, while strikes barely get a mention.

The survey polled 1,000 people between July 6 and 10.

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