Naked woman on a muscle car

Detroit officials are looking into how a woman sneaked into the North American International Auto Show after closing hours early on Tuesday to pose naked on Chrysler's Dodge Challenger muscle car.

Security guards at the Cobo Center where the show is being held this week found the woman standing on the new Challenger, with some people -- mostly men -- taking pictures at about 2 a.m. (0700 GMT) on Tuesday.

"Some people told us there were real cameras there, and some said there were only cellphone cameras," Jason Vines, a spokesman for DaimlerChrysler's Chrysler Group, said, adding he did not know how many people were there.

Chrysler had brought in "Desperate Housewives" star Eva Longoria on Sunday to pose with Chrysler Chief Executive Tom LaSorda next to the new Imperial luxury concept car. Longoria was fully-clothed.

Chief of security for the show, Carl Berry, said the incident was being investigated.

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