About Operation Tinker Bell

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1964. The Cold War raged during the past decade. There's still no peace agreement in Korea, Soviet troops occupied Hungary, the U.S. invasion of Cuba ended in disaster, the newly built Berlin Wall splits Germany in half, the Cuban missile crisis almost resulted in nuclear war, John F. Kennedy has been assassinated last year, there's political unrest in Czechoslovakia and President Lyndon B. Johnson is preparing to enter the Vietnam conflict.

March 17, 1964. KGB Colonel Alexander Rogozin contacts the U.S. Embassy to Turkey. CIA officer Robert Novak from the Soviet and Eastern Europe Division is sent to Ankara to meet Rogozin. Novak’s assessment: Rogozin is disillusioned in the Soviet political system, his military carrier and his marriage. He wants to defect to the United States and his knowledge of communications technology and cryptology can be a valuable asset to U.S. intelligence.
Both CIA’s new Science & Technology Directorate and the National Security Agency (NSA) are most interested. Novak is assigned to Colonel Rogozin as his case officer and CIA Headquarter in Langley designates codename GYMNAST to the defector.
Novak persuades Rogozin to return to Moscow, assume his normal duties and collect additional intelligence before defecting in the near future. Rogozin’s contact person in Moscow is Roman Danilov, a CIA operative under the cover of UP journalist, attached to the U.S Embassy to Moscow. A first secret meeting between Danilov and Colonel Rogozin is scheduled on April 5.

On the day of the meeting, Danilov leaves his apartment at Povarskaya street at 1135 hours Moscow time. The next morning at 0815 hours (0015 hours in Langley) CIA station Moscow reports to its Headquarters in Langley over secure channels: Danilov failed to report after his meeting with Rogozin.
The subsequent investigation confirms that Roman Danilov has gone missing. There’s no word of KGB Colonel Rogozin. The defector turns out to be either a bait to identify CIA agents in Moscow or a false recruitment that went horrible wrong. The same morning, Danilov is officially reported missing.
Bill Hensley, Chief of CIA’s Soviet Division is furious about the loss of his operative. Robert Novak is ordered to track down Rogozin with all available means. Operation TINKER BELL, the search for the false KGB defector, has begun.

Your Task

You are assigned to OPERATION TINKER BELL as COMSEC Officer. It is your task to decrypt all message traffic, sent between Langley, it's stations abroad and agents in the field. This sounds harder than it actually is. All required crypto tools and keys are provided. If you can type on a keyboard, you can decrypt the messages. We advise you to keep a record of all decrypted messages in order to get a good view on the situation of the operation.

Start by reading the personal files to familiarized yourself with all persons involved. It is important to know their code names and agent ID's, which will be used in all communications. Next, you should visit the Communications Center (COMCEN) to update your knowledge about how Langley and it's stations abroad communicate with each other and with agents in the field, both by cable and radio. You will lean to work with 1960s state-of-the-art crypto equipment and use one-time pads to decrypt messages. Finally, you must visit the crypto room to retrieve the appropriate keys and one-time pads.

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