Not rioters. Not demonstrators. Just voters. An EU state in 2017

Chicago reporter Tim Poll in Barcelona now, repeating what I've been saying for some time. Spanish unionists are culturally led by fascist influence (falangists and the dregs of Franco)



Spain supporters' fascist salutes before independence demo

A 'million-strong' anti-independence protest in Spain has exploded in violence after a far-right mob attacked a photographer and nationalists performed fascist salutes on the streets of Barcelona.

Shocking footage appears to confirm fears that the demonstration would descend into unrest and raises concerns that violence could be sparked elsewhere in the city.

The confrontation was caught on camera and uploaded to the internet by a local newspaper.
It comes as several far-right activists were seen performing fascist salutes during the mass demonstration.

MailOnline photographed one of the men doing the one-armed gesture outside Barcelona’s central police station, which is the headquarters of Spanish officers.

MailOnline photographed a far-right activist doing a fascist salute outside Barcelona’s central police station, which is the headquarters of Spanish officers

Spain supporters' fascist salutes before independence demo



