‘Child migrants Britain let in were BALDING and BEARDED' - fresh claim
Mr Smith said: “I have seen cases where blatantly grown adults have been treated as minors, but that’s not my decision, it’s put in the hands of an independent adjudicator.”
Everyone working in this sector knows that to speak out about the abuses of our system is a quick way to end your career
Tory MP David Davies was vilified for suggesting that some “child” migrants looked over 18 and should be required to undergo medical checks to back up their claims.
just a "minor":
‘Child migrants Britain let in were BALDING and BEARDED' - fresh claim
Everyone working in this sector knows that to speak out about the abuses of our system is a quick way to end your career
Tory MP David Davies was vilified for suggesting that some “child” migrants looked over 18 and should be required to undergo medical checks to back up their claims.
just a "minor":
‘Child migrants Britain let in were BALDING and BEARDED' - fresh claim
Adult Star August Ames Passes Away - XBIZ.com
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click here to view the post.
Sköt svensk och skyllde på "rasism"
Eritrean migrant who shot man in the leg in Sweden while calling him racist is freed by the Swedish court because it cannot be proven that he knew the gun would fire a bullet when he pulled the trigger.— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) December 6, 2017
This is not 1st of April. This is the Swedish courthttps://t.co/1Gy3dYKqHd pic.twitter.com/qFuYiXtoz1
and more:
I'm losing hope.— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) November 28, 2017
This morning a handgrenade was thrown at a police car in Sweden.
This comes only days after a massive police operation in nearby no-go zone Gottsunda.
Sweden in 2017 - Where police are attacked with grenades.
My country is lost. Gone.https://t.co/qg1BWkDD93
and more:
Even the chief of Swedish anti-crime unit now admits that parts of Sweden is like a war zone.— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) December 6, 2017
I have been reporting on this for over a year now.https://t.co/XaCSNVdY4S
Sköt svensk och skyllde på "rasism"
Sweden: 95.6% of rapes, 90% of group rapes committed by foreigners, 2 out of 3 rapes by asylum seekers
A private 80-page investigation conducted by a 40-year-old former truck
driver and present-day retailer from Eskilstuna is questioning the
official notion of immigration being largely beneficial to Sweden by
suggesting that men of foreign descent are largely overrepresented in
sexual assaults.
By his own admission, Patrik Jonasson surveyed 4,142 rulings regarding sex-related crimes passed by 40 Swedish courts between 2012 and 2014. The study, which took several months to compile, indicated that a whopping 95.6 percent of rapes and 90 percent of group rapes had been committed by men of foreign descent. Men from the Middle East and Africans were particularly overrepresented in various forms of sexual offences.
Sweden: 95.6% of rapes, 90% of group rapes committed by foreigners, 2 out of 3 rapes by asylum seekers
By his own admission, Patrik Jonasson surveyed 4,142 rulings regarding sex-related crimes passed by 40 Swedish courts between 2012 and 2014. The study, which took several months to compile, indicated that a whopping 95.6 percent of rapes and 90 percent of group rapes had been committed by men of foreign descent. Men from the Middle East and Africans were particularly overrepresented in various forms of sexual offences.
Sweden: 95.6% of rapes, 90% of group rapes committed by foreigners, 2 out of 3 rapes by asylum seekers
The new France
The new France sometimes looks like Nigeria. pic.twitter.com/TM9LWjfDn6— Voice of Europe (@V_of_Europe) 26 d’octubre de 2017
Not rioters. Not demonstrators. Just voters. An EU state in 2017
— Philip Boucher-Hayes (@boucherhayes) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Chicago reporter Tim Poll in Barcelona now, repeating what I've been saying for some time. Spanish unionists are culturally led by fascist influence (falangists and the dregs of Franco)
Chicago reporter Tim Poll in Barcelona now, repeating what I've been saying for some time. Spanish unionists are culturally led by fascist influence (falangists and the dregs of Franco). https://t.co/FQWzm6iIsc— Julian Assange 🔹 (@JulianAssange) 8 d’octubre de 2017
Human Rights Watch - Spain: Police Used Excessive Force in Catalonia
Spain: Police Used Excessive Force in Catalonia https://t.co/0uIOX4typd— Human Rights Watch (@hrw) 12 d’octubre de 2017
Spain supporters' fascist salutes before independence demo
A 'million-strong' anti-independence protest in Spain has exploded in violence after a far-right mob attacked a photographer and nationalists performed fascist salutes on the streets of Barcelona.
Shocking footage appears to confirm fears that the demonstration would descend into unrest and raises concerns that violence could be sparked elsewhere in the city.
The confrontation was caught on camera and uploaded to the internet by a local newspaper.
It comes as several far-right activists were seen performing fascist salutes during the mass demonstration.
MailOnline photographed one of the men doing the one-armed gesture outside Barcelona’s central police station, which is the headquarters of Spanish officers.
MailOnline photographed a far-right activist doing a fascist salute outside Barcelona’s central police station, which is the headquarters of Spanish officers
Spain supporters' fascist salutes before independence demo
¿Dónde está Mariano Rajoy, Pedro Sánchez, dónde está el Rey? Silencio. Ni están ni se les espera. #1OctARV #RajoyDIMISION #CatalanReferendum— Mini me (@89mandoline) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Que tenéis en la cabeza pa justificar y aplaudir la violencia de la policía en Catalunya?#RajoyDimisión— Marta (@MartaCondao) 1 d’octubre de 2017
RT @15MBcn_int: Rajoy should resigns#CatalanReferendum#RajoyDimisiónpic.twitter.com/sWs5LOxW27 https://t.co/uzgB7RyzMN— dromografos Int (@dromografosInt) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Oir "salvas" en Sabadell. Parece increíble. La degradación de la democracia hace que exijamos #Rajoydimision #MésDemocràcia pic.twitter.com/wY9gaqOFFp— Joan Mena Arca (@joanmena) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Las actuaciones policiales contra población pacífica deben parar. Hoy todos, en Catalunya y en el Estado, tenemos que exigir #RajoyDimisión— Ada Colau (@AdaColau) 1 d’octubre de 2017
I have a dream… that one day police will chase the biggest corrupts instead of ballots. #Utopia #CatalanReferendum #1OctARV #RajoyDimisión pic.twitter.com/NAwP5kevZU— Miguel Álvarez (@miguelenlared) 1 d’octubre de 2017
El sufragio femenino tampoco se hubiera aprobado sin desobediencia civil. Hermanos catalanes, no se vayan, echémosles. #RajoyDimision pic.twitter.com/ntTMPYK6fQ— Noemí Santana Perera (@noepmp) 1 d’octubre de 2017
do u think it’ a fake? Do u think it’s a mild action? #CatalanReferendum #policeagression #RajoyDIMISION #policerage pic.twitter.com/HRGoOs4oUe— ignasi figueras (@ignasifn10) 1 d’octubre de 2017
This is Democracy for @marianorajoy & @ppopular#1Oct #CatalanReferendum #RajoyDIMISION pic.twitter.com/LO6dh1aRVU— Juan Manuel Garretas (@JmGarretas) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Mariano: no te traen una urna vacía, traen la prueba de tu fracaso, incapacidad y vergüenza. #RajoyDimisión#mobilitzemnos1o pic.twitter.com/WSXhLOUGrZ— Jaume Moya i Matas (@JaumeMoyaM) 1 d’octubre de 2017
This is Spanish democracy #RajoyDimision #CatalanReferendum #SpanishRepression #HelpUs @EU_Commission @UNHumanRights pic.twitter.com/XSXcDGxOT9— Laksmí ||⭐️|| 🗳Sí (@Laksmizz) 1 d’octubre de 2017
— Ignasi Figueras (@ignasifigueras) 1 d’octubre de 2017
#CatalanReferendum #rajoydimision. Happening today in Barcelona. Spanish Guardia Civil and Policia Nacional against citizens pic.twitter.com/amtCyupNKI— Andres Pozas (@AndresPozas) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Esta es la manera de entrar en los colegios electorales de los "demócratas"! #RajoyDimision @UNHumanRights pic.twitter.com/0sURRguX8k— Laksmí ||⭐️|| 🗳Sí (@Laksmizz) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Imágenes que dan vergüenza. Me duele verlo.. Qué tan peligrosa es esta gente para darle palos? #RajoyDIMISION #1OctARV #CatalanReferendum pic.twitter.com/ve4Jl8n56C— Amanda Gómez (@AmandaGomezEs) 1 d’octubre de 2017
You may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one🎶 No Violencia #CatalanReferendum #1Oct #RajoyDimisión pic.twitter.com/4YDllsNiv4— Julio Núñez ✖ (@julioamx) 1 d’octubre de 2017
La estrategia del miedo de Rajoy ha fracasado. Un solo pueblo movilizado pacíficamente. Hoy vamos a defender la democracia #RajoyDimisión— Xavier Domènech (@XavierDomenechs) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent #RajoyDimision #RajoyResignation pic.twitter.com/MSfMpPJ0LS— Repression@Catalonia (@RepressionAtCAT) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Enough. The violence they are using is not justified and it’s not normal. #RajoyDIMISION #MésDemocràcia— Justice & Peace (@Justice16989383) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Hoy puede ser uno de los ridículos internacionales más grandes de la Historia de España #RajoyDimisión #1Oct #CatalanReferendum— Luis Ángel Gómez (@gallinogomez) 1 d’octubre de 2017
#CatalanReferendum #Rajoydimision The world is watching you Spanish fascists pic.twitter.com/pQQjyxYkNA— Copernico Cooper (@copernicooper) 1 d’octubre de 2017
In Quebec (Canada) and Scotland (UK) the central govt. agreed to negotiate and referendums were hold peacefully. @PPopular's ruled Spain had to be different. #1oct #CatalanReferendum #RajoyDimisión pic.twitter.com/SbP71C10WL— anto o'tralarà (@anto_otralara) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Somos la vergüenza del mundo, no nos merecemos un presidente así. #RajoyDimisión— Luis Endera (@Luis_Endera) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Al final la legalidad era reventar colegios, destrozar equipamientos y pegar a ancianas....— Caputxeta (@KarkulkaRed) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Nunca olvidaremos esto...
Ahora ya entiendo porqué en el Parlamento español no hay ultraderecha, no hace falta, está el PP #RajoyDIMISION— Antoni Baena Garcia (@antoni_baena) 1 d’octubre de 2017
#RajoyDimisión #RajoyDimisión cobarde mientras apalean al pueblo tu escondido viendolo en el plasma pic.twitter.com/KxzddVELvb— JV (@JotaUve) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Thank you. Please, help us. We don't want more violence. We are peaceful citizens under a repressive and violent government. #RajoyDIMISION— Gemma González (@bearsRcoming) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Damages to Sabadell primary school by Spanish police searching for ballot boxes in #CatalanReferendum #RajoyDIMISION#shameonSpain #1Oct pic.twitter.com/2kubD6f44x— Joan Berlanga (@JoanBerlanga) 1 d’octubre de 2017
“El referéndum no es vinculante pero voy a cerrar colegios y requisar urnas por si las moscas” #CatalanReferedendum #RajoyDimisión pic.twitter.com/b4xlB2BghY— Tatsuha Sakuraba (@TatsuhaSakuraba) 1 d’octubre de 2017
— Stel_evo (@EstelSoler) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Los bomberos son los únicos a sueldo público, k SIEMPRE saben de k lado deben estar.— Efecto Gamonal🔥 (@efectogamonal) 1 d’octubre de 2017
ENORMES#CatalanReferendum#RajoyDIMISION#1OctARV pic.twitter.com/HVi2n7zMCB
— V. (@VitorSuarez) 1 d’octubre de 2017
— Pere Punyetes (@punyetes) 1 d’octubre de 2017
— Nutella 🇵🇸||*||👑 (@asmaakh90) 1 d’octubre de 2017
when a people wants to vote #CatalanReferendum #RajoyDIMISION #1Oct #Catalonia pic.twitter.com/6heBGaeRRS— Jarlaxle_SC2 (@jarlaxle_) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Theft of ballot boxes by more than 150 riot police in a school full of peaceful people who want to vote #CatalanReferendum #RajoyDIMISION pic.twitter.com/0olL98KE5k— GAME OVER (@_basta_ya) 1 d’octubre de 2017
#CatalanReferendum Spanish government has lost every dignity in front of the world. Rajoy has nowhere to hide. #rajoydimisión— Lorenzo Ciorcalo (@rotovisor) 1 d’octubre de 2017
#CatalanReferendum: reports of riot police firing rubber bullets at protesters https://t.co/wEtAcTTP6U @guardian #RajoyDimisión #1OctARV pic.twitter.com/cONkZSrElL— NoSomosDelito (@Nosomosdelito) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Any comment? @EU_Commission @europapress #ReferendumCatalan #CatalanReferendum #CatalonianReferendum #RajoyDIMISION #Votarem pic.twitter.com/0TXPghvgP0— Joan Solà Collado (@Jakista) 1 d’octubre de 2017
I thought that Spain was a democracy. A "democracy" where people who want to vote are attacked by "police". #Catalogne #RajoyDIMISION— Percemer (@percemer) 1 d’octubre de 2017
The whole world is watching you, @marianorajoy stop the brutal violence against peaceful people exercising their democratic rights #RajoyDimisión #CatalanReferendum— Francesca Bria (@francesca_bria) 1 d’octubre de 2017
That's what exactly hapening in #CatalanReferendum #referendumRAC1 #referendumCat #Catalonia #CaraAlSol #RajoyDIMISION pic.twitter.com/EXp59Veaqn— Albert Torruella (@atorruella) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Europe, this is Spain trying to stop the #CatalanReferendum!#RajoyDimisión @POLITICOEurope @EU_Commission @Europarl_EN pic.twitter.com/gFNRoxEph7— Des del Poble 🗳️ (@noelreivaj) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Example of democracy in Spain. Dictator Franco should be proud #ShameOnSpain #CatalanReferendum #1OctARV #RajoyDimisión @EU_Commission pic.twitter.com/MQg1TwRylN— Carlos Martínez (@1CMartinez) 1 d’octubre de 2017
#RajoyDIMISION #CatalanReferendum This pic is an icon of what is happening right now in Catalonia, State's police against 'righ of expresion pic.twitter.com/9Eb5QTJOhq— persona15m (@persona15m) 1 d’octubre de 2017
#CatalanReferendum2017 , let's leave this fascist country immediately. #RajoyDIMISION pic.twitter.com/Su2sjG3HFP— Vicenç Acuña (@VicencAcuna) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Sin palabras... Que el mundo entero vea lo que es España #1Oct #CatalanReferendum #ReferendumCatalan #RajoyDIMISION pic.twitter.com/f6UMRJUfxJ— Xavi Rodriguez (@rodalfa) 1 d’octubre de 2017
¿Hemos sido un ejemplo para el mundo?— Mirando a Cuenca (@MirandoaCuenca) 1 d’octubre de 2017
¿De verdad que no había nadie mejor que este subnormal?#Vergüenza #RajoyDIMISION #CatalanRederendum pic.twitter.com/JyuGkqPeLA
La Puerta del Sol en #Madrid repleta como hace años que no se veía en apoyo al pueblo de Catalunya.#CatalanReferendum #RajoyDImisión pic.twitter.com/jQMaqU9uvC— Álvaro Piélago (@AlvaroPielago) 1 d’octubre de 2017
— BRUBAKER DUI ||⭐️|| (@Axel_Tarraco) 1 d’octubre de 2017
New York Times:'Rajoy ha perdido por goleada para la prensa internacional' |@RaphaelMinder #Vergüenza #RajoyDimision pic.twitter.com/IiW8BAOXd4— Pedro Arancón (@Pedro_Arancon) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Ahora mismo en Sol: ¡¡MADRID, SERÁ, LA TUMBA DEL FASCISMO!! ✊🏼#MadridASolContraLaRepresión #vergüenza de Gobierno, #RajoyDIMISIÓN!! ✊🏼 pic.twitter.com/aGszxuMhgH— Izqda Revolucionaria (@IzquierdaRevol) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Se puede decir más alto pero no más claro #CatalanReferendum #Verguenza #RajoyDimisión pic.twitter.com/0yMTXmrOvU— jon Barea (@jon_barea) 1 d’octubre de 2017
"Solidaridad con el pueblo catalán" #RajoyDimisión pic.twitter.com/aLIeV3jiLK— Antonio Maíllo (@MailloAntonio) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Desde Sevilla en apoyo al pueblo catalán y a todos los pueblos de España #CatalanRederendum #vergüenza #RajoyDimisión pic.twitter.com/10KvxtjplZ— Carle de la Osa (@dj_doop) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Congratulations Rajoy, your boys are real heroes beating peaceful voters.— Nit (@Nitsuga000) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Sol comienza a llenarse de ciudadanas por la democracia y contra la represión #RajoyDimisión pic.twitter.com/WKMWsAWFMR— IU Madrid Centro (@IUMadridCentro) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Ahora mismo mucha gente en València gritando #RajoyDIMISION pic.twitter.com/clGXeOIkoW— Pau Vivas (@Pauetevilo) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Solidarity from Scotland #CatalanReferendum #RajoyDIMISION #10OctARV #huelgageneral @IzquierdaRevol @EsqRevoluciona @SindicaEstudian pic.twitter.com/ldta6K87k5— Socialist Party Scot (@SPS_socialist) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Shame on you, Spain! #dkpol #SpainShame #Spanien #CatalanReferendum #Catalonia #RajoyDIMISION #Rajoy pic.twitter.com/T97Ui6mSxE— Peter Nedergaard (@PNedergaardKU) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Pedían a Euskadi utilizar la vía política y dejar la violencia. Catalunya toma vía política y se les responde con violencia #rajoyDIMISION— Markos Goiko (@tepacino) 1 d’octubre de 2017
There isn't difference. #referendumCAT #1Oct #Catalonia #RajoyDIMISION #1octL6 #Catalogne #Barcelona pic.twitter.com/bEKtjzNz7n— Guillem (@guillem_trilla) 1 d’octubre de 2017
HELP US EUROPE! #ReferendumCatalan #Shame #freedom #ReferendumCatalogna #Catalonia #Catalogne#CatalonianReferendum #votarem #RajoyDIMISION pic.twitter.com/JWhSXASdmV— Olga B 🌷 (@Osteopatilla) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Rajoy debe ser juzgado, nada de dimisión #RajoyDimision— Marcos Sanz (@MarcosSanz75) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Podrían dejar votar y declararlo ilegal. Pero no. El PP es ADN fascista, prefiere humillar y apalear a un pueblo#Verguenza#RajoyDIMISION— Gregorio Samsung (@Samsungregorio) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Estar a favor o no del independentismo es indiferente. Hablamos de que somos PERSONAS y las agresiones no son la solución #RajoyDIMISION— IviVlogs 🔵🎥 (@IviVlogs6) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Catalan police crying for the catalan people #CatalanReferendum #1Oct #RajoyDIMISION #Catalonia pic.twitter.com/c5xRmMZgV4— ANJI Sabadell (@ANJISbd) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Dice Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría que la policía "ha actuado con profesionalidad". ¡Ha actuado con BRUTALIDAD, sinvergüenza! #RajoyDimisión— Paco Baeza (@paco_baeza_) 1 d’octubre de 2017
We at @DiEM_25 are all with #Catalonia. No European democracy shall be free whilst another is in chains. #RajoyDimisión— DiEM25 London (@LonDiEM25) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Why do not they publish these images on Spanish television and only publish people stoning patrol cars? #CatalanReferendum #RajoyDIMISION pic.twitter.com/bbnq0r64TV— T El Profesional💀🔫 (@SuggarTCM) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Solidarity with Catalonian working class & students; no to state repression, for full rights of self-determination #RajoyDIMISION #Catalunya— Dave Semple (@DaveSemple) 1 d’octubre de 2017
"Rajoy has crossed a red line. He's a coward" Mayor of Barcelona @AdaColau #CatalanReferendum #RajoyDimisión pic.twitter.com/FUuff6ugqV— Kate Shea Baird (@KateSB) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Rajoy, NOT IN MY HOME! #RajoyDimisión 💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛 pic.twitter.com/KnwUjCBZvX— Àlex (@Alex_Casanova10) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Sr Rajoy, unleashing masked THUGS is not how you convince Catalans to stay! 😡 #CatalanReferendum #RajoyDimisión pic.twitter.com/WNZJRkfpnm— Stephen [vote YES] (@TheAviator1992) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Teenager critical after stabbing outside Birmingham mosque
Teenager critical after stabbing outside Birmingham mosque
Man, 29, is arrested after teenage boy was stabbed outside Shia mosque in front of his horrified brother in 'ISIS-inspired' attack just moments after being dropped off by his father for Muslim festival
Antifa idiots turn on each other
Antifa idiots turn on each other.— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) September 26, 2017
"You're white, you're inherently racist, it's in your blood, it's in your DNA."
This warms my heart. 😄 pic.twitter.com/dHQW1gmzlW
Trans rights, TERFs, and a bruised 60-year-old: what happened at Speakers
A biologically male transgender activist has physically assaulted a woman in central London
because she attempted to attend a meeting about transgender issues.
The victim, Maria MacLachlan, a 61-year-old feminist who questions transgender ideology,
claims to have been “beaten up” near Speakers’ Corner because of her views on gender.
Transgender Activists 'Beats Up' Woman Attending Meeting on Gender - Breitbart
Transgender Activist Assaults 60-Year-Old Woman At Gender Debate
Transgender Activist Assaults 60-Year-Old Wom | The Daily Caller
Fists fly in politically correct punch-up after transgender activists try
to turf the TERFs ('Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists') out of Hyde Park
Fists fly at politically correct rally | Daily Mail Online

Trans rights, TERFs, and a bruised 60-year-old: what happened at Speakers
Trudeau plans will allow anal sex ‘anytime, any place, with anyone’
Trudeau plans will allow anal sex ‘anytime, any place, with anyone’
Egale recommends lowering the age of consent for anal intercourse from 18 to 16 because the current law “discriminates against and stigmatizes young homosexuals.”